Monday, October 31, 2022
Steve Alba tells the story of Baldy Pipe- The original epic skateboard spot
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Vox talks to Tony Hawk about legendary skateboard spots
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Tom Cardy at New Haven Pump Track in the U.K.
Friday, October 21, 2022
The Endless Halfpipe of Umea, Sweden
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Surfin' U.S.A- The original action sports song about surf spots
Sunday, October 16, 2022
The Jinx Bank, Eddie Roman, and the birth of BMX wall rides
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Classic Skateboard Spots- The Chain Bank in San Diego
Friday, October 7, 2022
Unknown spot: The Westminster Full Pipes-
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Classic Skate/Bike spots: The Embarcadero in San Francisco
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Disclaimer for The Spot Finder blog
BMX bike riding and freestyle, skateboarding, mountain biking, rock climbing, and other action sports, are all potentially dangerous. As publisher of this blog, I recomend you always wear appropriate safety gear when riding, skateboarding, or doing any of these activities. While the underlying reason for most of these sports is to have fun, progress, and improve your personal abilities, always use common sense, and do not try things far beyond your current skill level.
This blog is for entertainment and educational purposes only. The spots and locations documented and written about here could be potentially dangerous, or in some cases illegal, to visit or do action sports at.
Trespassing is a crime, and can lead to legal consequences. The publisher of this blog does not encourage you to trespass, break the law, or otherwise endanger yourself. Many of the spots and locations in this blog will be public skateparks, bike parks, and other places that you can ride, skate, or do sports at perfectly legally. Any decision to break the law to visit other spots or locations that involve trespassing are yours and yours alone.
Be smart, have fun, and enjoy these sports in the most responsible way possible. Any time you spend injured or in jail is time away from riding, skating, climbing, and other fun activities. Keep that in mind.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Vintage 1970's pool and ditch skating
The YouTube algorithm tossed tis one at me. The title just says "L.A. 1970's skateboarding." I have no idea who these skaters are, what year, or where the pool and huge ditches are located. But they rip, for that era, and these are some cool spots. The channel has one 70's surf video, and a bunch of short films, so the guy looks like a filmaker. Good vintage sktaing, though. Enjoy.
Sunday, October 2, 2022
The Studio City Monster Wall
I teased this one the other day, with a photo on Facebook, and quite a few people were trying to figure out where this wall is. This gigantic banked wall is one I actually rode fairly often, back in the early 1990's, when I worked on the American Gladiators crew, and lived in North Hollywood for part of a year. It's only a couple of blocks from the CBS Studio Center, where I worked as a crew guy. Yet this huge wall, at least 25-30 feet high, is totally hidden from view of the thousands of cars that drive by it every day.
It's probably only 60 degrees, but it rides like a much steeper, undervert wall. It's bumpy, textured concrete, with a really solid concrete driveway below. You could probably do a little on a skateboard there, but BMXers or mountain bikers are who can really have fun with this thing.
This is behind a shopping center, so there are delivery trucks rolling through now and then. It looks like you could just haul ass and go 12 feet up this thing, but it rides way different than it looks. I could get about 5 feet up the steeper Blues Brothers Wall in Huntington Beach, when I used ot ride this thing, 30 years ago. I never got more than 3 1/2 or 4 feet up this wall. It's a hard THUNK when you land. I'm sure some of today's BMXers and MTB riders could do much better. It would be a lot of fun with a small launch and landing ramp. As crazy and cool as this looks, to the best of my knowledge, there has never been a magazine photo or any video of anyone riding it... anywhere. It's literally 15 minutes from Hollywood Boulevard, but no other BMXers or MTBers ever found it, I guess. I forgot about it, when I went back down to Orange County. When it did pop up in my thoughts, I figured some other riders would find it some day.
The location is near Ventura Boulevard and Laurel Canyon, in Studio City, in the San Fernando Valley. There's a small shopping center on the Southeast corner of that intersection (towards the hills), and an older, larger shopping center, that wraps around the small one. The big shopping center is now anchored by Trader Joe's, their address is 11976 Ventura Boulevard. This gigantic wall is behind Trader Joe's and the other shops. As with all business area spots, if you go ride here, be respectful of business owners and employees. I had many solo sessions here back in the day, and never got asked to leave. It's a place to hit alone or with 1 or 2 people, get a little session in, and then move on. Don't bring a whole posse, make a mess, leave trash, or be destructive.
The Mangey Moose Bank
The Mangey Moose Bank in Tarzana.
This is the bank I was staring at when the idea for this blog popped into my head last week. It's about a four foot high brick bank, about 30-35 degrees steep, maybe 20 feet long, then it wraps around the corner and mellows out. There's a chain link fence at the top, a fence ride on a bike is possible.This is at a bus stop I use from time to time. It's next to a sidewalk about six feet wide, and is plenty smooth enough to skate or hit on a bike. It's nothing amazing, just a cool bank that rarely, if ever gets sessioned. The location is Reseda Boulevard at the 101 freeway, in Tarzana. That's in the San Fernando Valley, north of L.A.. This bank is on the northwest side of the bridge, by the westbound on ramp to the 101.
These brick banks are by most of the on and off ramps of the 101, across The San Fernando Valley, but vary in size and shape. This is one of the best of the banks, by shape and size. Is the Mangey Moose Bank worth a long drive to ride and skate? No. But if you happen to find yourself west of the 405 in The Valley, and are up for a little bike or skate session, it's there. It gets shade much of the day, which is cool, literally.
It was about 100 degrees the other day, which is why I sat down under the bridge, to cool off, across the road, while in the area. I was thinking about ideas on how to jumpstart my life, and all the things I'd really like to do, while spacing off, staring at this bank. The thought popped out of that mysterious place thoughts come from, "I could make videos again, taking riders to new and little known spots, to see what they do could." Tricks have progressed for decades, but there are all kinds of new and unknown spots to ride and skate that are yet to be sessioned. Plus there are lots of classic and well known bike and skate spots that have stories to tell.
Then I thought it out, since I'm homeless and don't have a decent phone or video camera right now. How would I start this idea? A blog. So here it is, the blog looking at bike, skate, art, and other interesting spots. We'll see where this idea goes.
So where did the name for this bank come from? On the other side of the freeway, the south side, by the eastbound off ramp of the 101, there's this weird little lawn area behind a chain link fence. The whole thing is about the size of a living room, with a bunch of trees, well manicured lawn, a fountain, and this fucked up moose statue. No antlers, and it's worn and beat up. This little lawn area is an advertisement for a lawn and garden shop nearby. It's just weird. I don't know if this moose was one of those target moose for archery, or just a moose statue somebody didn't want any more. We don't even have moose in California. It makes no sense. I saw it from the bus riding by, time after time, and started calling it the Mangey Moose. It looks like is has mange. So even though the bank is on the other side of the freeway, I call it the Mangey Moose bank.
So here's the first bike/skate spot that you've never heard of in this blog, the Mangey Moose Bank. Nothing spectacular, but it's there, Reseda Blvd. and the 101, if you're nearby and up for a little bank session. There's parking on the streets nearby. This bank would look cool in photos, though backlighting might be an issue.
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Punk Rock Pinterest bitches... Yeah. PINTEREST
I'm a dude, And I love Pinterest. That's right bitches, I just said that out loud. OK, I typed it in a blog post caption, but I also said it out loud, which got some weird looks, since I'm at the library right now. Oh, and this video is pretty funny.
I haven't used Instagram in 8 months or so. Don't care. I'd rather spend time on Pinterest. It's a MONSTER for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which is cool, since I'm a blogger. If you have a business, website, or blog to promote, Pinterest can totally help you do that online. It's its own search engine, focused on visuals, photos and now videos. I often chill out by just "collecting" pics to my Pinterest boards, while listening to cool music, a podcast, or the like. Just about everyone one of my #sharpiescribblestyle drawings, that I have a photo of, is on my Pinterest board, 183 of them right now. You know how all my main blogs are locked in the #1 spot on Google if you search the title of them? Yeah, I did that with Pinterest, and solid blogging. I don't have one cupcake board. No kittens. I have collections of BMX photos, skateboard photos, hundreds of punk rock flyers, and other shit like that. You don't have to be a dweeb on pinterest, like the guys in the video above. You can make boards, and collect photos, or create your own pins, about ANYTHING. Punk rock pinterest, bitches. DIY. Whatever you like, find pics to inspire you, except graphic nudity, they pretty much cut that out. But everything else.
Kite Surfing at a place called Bedsheets in Brazil
Hannah Whiteley and friend kitesurfing lakes and sand dunes in northern Brazil, a spot known as Bedsheets. And now for something complete...

The place where full pipe skating and bike riding was born. This almost certainly is the first world renowned skateboard spot. Baldy Pipe....
While I knew a few 90's skaters, being a Huntington Beach BMX local, I'd never heard of the Chain Bank until I ran across this video...
Two years ago, got Tony Hawk on Zoom, and made this video about legendary skateboard spots, asking for Tony's input on them. ...